Suzanne's Dream II
by James Lavott
Buy the Original Painting
70.000 x 50.000 x 2.000 cm.
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Suzanne's Dream II
James Lavott
Painting - Oil On Canvas
Three pieces were commissioned based on the following poem by Suzanne - It seemed almost like a dream, Standing on a cliff top, Overlooking the calm green sea, The far horizon made golden, So quiet and peaceful, Alone with my thoughts, I am afraid of the silence, I dare to dream, I want to laugh recklessly, Without condemnation, I want to love wildly, Without inhibition, I want to be loved, Without condition, I want to enjoy what I have achieved, without discretion, I want to always work passionately, Without being thought ignorant, I want never to be afraid of wanting or dreaming, I want art to inspire me, I want to feel rain on my face always
June 29th, 2014